
Independent Living and Community Engagement

Travel and Transportation Skills

Travel and Transportation Skills are skills you learn to travel independently and safely in your community. Carter, Austin, and Trainer (2012) and McDonnall (2011) both defined travel instruction as the “Ability to get places outside home independently.” The fact remains that driving will not be a viable option for many people with disabilities, and alternatives are essential to enhancing life and independent living.

Travel and Transportation Skills image

Travel and Transportation Skills Development

first images of Travel and Transportation Skills Development
second images of Travel and Transportation Skills Development

Adults can help students with travel and transportation skills by:

  • Using one-to-one Instruction
  • Incorporating purposeful movement
  • Using the student’s environment
  • Addressing barriers student’s might encounter
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Let’s learn more about travel training.

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Independent Living and Community Engagement

When considering Travel and Transportation skills, the transition team can help build theses skills by making sure students:

  • Learn to identify a support system
  • Teach travel in our environments
  • Identify travel and transportation barriers
  • Understand the importance of safety in independent travel
Independent Living and Community Engagement Image

What can teaching travel and transportation skills do for students?

Students who receive instruction and support in travel and transportation skills related to:

Support System icon

Support System

Being able to identify help from people in their lives such as family members, friends, professionals, neighbors, direct care staff, police or firemen, and local businesses.

Travel in their environment icon

Travel in their environment

Learn to navigate their environment, local community, shopping, healthcare, and leisure opportunities.

Identify travel and transportation barriers and navigate solutions. icon

Identify travel and transportation barriers and navigate solutions.

Knowing the path of travel is a critical component of preparation to travel and transportation.

Safety and Independent Travel and Transportation icon

Safety and Independent Travel and Transportation

The student must know how to prevent and avoid unwanted or dangerous situations.

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