
Cross Agency Collaboration

Transition Staffing

Knowing what agencies exist is one thing. Involving the appropriate agencies to provide supports and services based on the student’s secondary transition plan is the next step. This is the purpose of transition staffings.

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The Who and What of Transition Staffings

first images of The Who and What of Transition Staffings
second images of The Who and What of Transition Staffings

Who should be part of a transition staffing and what should be discussed?

  • The IEP team should determine which agency involvement is most practical based upon the individual needs and goals of the student.
  • Families, school staff, Intermediate Unit staff, the student and agency representatives can help the team focus its energy.
  • The selection of who to invite to the transition staffing is important because more information can be discovered about agency involvement or even other agencies’ roles.
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Learn more about post-secondary transition for students with disabilities.

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What Topics Are Typically Discussed At A Transition Staffing?

Sharing information about what will be discussed at an upcoming staffing with all stakeholders will improve the communication and collaboration. Topics can include:

  • The services and supports various agencies provide
  • The application processes for specific programs based upon the student’s disability, income, age and other factors
  • Agency involvement based upon ongoing transition planning and the student’s post school goals
  • Ongoing collaboration with agency personnel to assist in transition planning over time
What Topics Are Typically Discussed At A Transition Staffing? Image

How Do Transition Staffings Benefit Students?

Transition staffings offer many benefits:

Knowing Who Can Help icon

Knowing Who Can Help

Students and families can explore the different supports available.

Accessing Supports icon

Accessing Supports

Students can receive information about how to receive available support.

Focused Planning icon

Focused Planning

Students benefit from time to explore options and set clear goals.

Making Connections icon

Making Connections

Students meet individuals outside of the school that can help build skills and provide support.

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Communicating Interagency Relationships and Collaborative Linkages for Exceptional Students (CIRCLES)



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Want to learn more?

Check out these tools for interagency teams.

The following tools are suggested as a means to support the process of developing, conducting, maintaining, and evaluating a state interagency transition team.