The Role of The Transition Team In Preparing Students for Summer Work

The transition team should help students explore what summer employment can look like, including:
- Talking with the students about interests, strengths, needs and preferences for working
- Supporting the students to research different summer programs and jobs within the community
- Filling out various applications for summer jobs, and practicing for job interviews
- Identifying transportation needs to get to and from a summer job
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Summer Employment
OVR has relationships with community employers to provide summer work experiences. Summer job programs typically last five to seven weeks and provide work opportunities to students who otherwise might struggle to find jobs. Summer work programs provide:
- A stipend or paycheck
- Structured work experience within their community
- Support from a worksite training coordinator

What Can Summer Work Experiences Do For Students?
Summer employment is a great way to make connections with different people, practice social skills, and fine tune career skills.

Career Skills
Students learn skills such as creating a resume, completing a job application, interview skills, and managing responsibilities at work.

Social Skills
Students are given the opportunity to interact with peers and coworkers and learn to navigate various conversations and situations, as well as the skills needed to be a team player in the workplace.

Students build relationships with people in a professional setting who’s varied experiences and knowledge can support future job exploration.

Paid Employment
“Work Based Learning Experiences have been shown to be one of the strongest predictors of adult employment success for students and youth with disabilities.” --The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth.

Click here to learn more about OVR.

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