What Social Skills Are Critical For Career Readiness?

Thinking about social skills through the lens of post secondary outcomes is critical. Here is how PA defines social skill development.
- Self Awareness and self management
- Establishing and maintaining relationships
- Social probleming solving skills
PA Career Ready Skills Toolkit
The Pennsylvania Career Ready Skills (PA CRS) are social emotional learning progressions that support the development of student competence. This toolkit introduces the PA Career Ready Skills (PA CRS) and Continuum and provides resources for local education agency (LEA) and teacher implementation. Access resources for:
- Implementation
- Employability Skills
- Classroom Strategies
- Engaging Families
- I Can Statements

What Is Needed For Social Skill Development?
Critical skills include:

Maintaining relationships
Students may need instruction in making relationships and keeping them.

Community Based Experiences
Students may benefit from practicing social skills in community-based experiences.

Creating Healthy Boundaries
Students may need to be taught skills for setting healthy boundaries with trust and respect.

Social Skills In Real World
Students receiving social skills instruction need experiences related to education, employment, and independent living.

Check out the Council for Exceptional Children's DCDT Fast Fact on Community-Based Vocational Exploration and Learning

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