Build Relationships, Make Connections

The transition team must include adults who are prepared to mentor and support the student. It is critical for mentors such as teachers and other school staff to take the time to gain a solid understanding of the student, along with their strengths, interests, and goals to help make their dreams become reality. School personnel should be prepared to help the student...
- Understand their disability, accommodations, and where to go for disability-related support.
- Learn about career pathways and help the student match their strengths and interests with possible careers.
- Explore and build confidence when engaging in work and other community-based experiences.
- Research future education and training opportunities and help the student make the match between these opportunities and their strengths, interests, and career goals.
What Does A Strong Mentor For Students Look Like?
School personnel can form a strong mentoring relationship with students by supporting the self-awareness process. School personnel should help students...
- Identify their own strengths, interests, and goals.
- Learn about their disability and which accommodations are most valuable.
- Find matches between their goals and possible career paths as well as connect the student with related work experiences during high school.
- Identify the future education or training option that best aligns with their career goals.

Supporting and Mentoring Students
Having a strong connection with school personnel is critical to the success of the students across adult outcome areas.

Creating opportunities for students to learn about their strengths and interests as well as their disabilities. Supporting the students in self-advocating for the accommodations they need.

Career Awareness
Creating opportunities for students to explore career paths and make connections between their strengths and interests as well as future employment opportunities.

Postsecondary Education Awareness
Creating opportunities for students to learn about the education and training needed to secure their desired jobs.

Independently Living Awareness
Creating opportunities for students to identify how they can live, learn, work, and have fun with independence in their ideal homes and communities.
Featured Resources
The PA Community on Transition offers resources on a variety of topics, all focused on improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

Interested in learning strategies to help students build connections with school personnel?

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Want to learn more?
Check out this booklet from the Transition Coalition which includes information about the various roles in transition.
The booklet contains descriptions of several specific roles as well as suggestions for how different members of the transition team may participate in the transition process.