What makes adult roles significant?

Significant adults are those who:
- Are trusted and respected by students
- Take an individualized approach with students
- Meet students where they currently are in life
- Help students continue to learn about themselves
- Recognize dreams, strengths, talents and needs of students
- Encourage students to make decisions, solve problems and have their own voice
- Provide students with honest feedback
Youth Development, Bringing it All together
Relationships are Key! Adults can help students bring these six skill areas together:
- Self Management Skill Development
- Disability Awareness
- Independent Living Skills Development
- Leadership Skills Development
- Self-Determination Skill Development
- Self Awareness

What Can Significant Relationships With Adult Mentors Do For Students?
Students can benefit from strong relationship with adults in many ways, including:

Building Relationships
Adults can introduce students to opportunities that match their goals after high school, including careers and more education.

Skill Development
Adults can teach students real-world skills to succeed at work, in school, and beyond.

Adults can support students in knowing that adults respect their opinions, goals, interests and values.

Adults can help build trust by knowing that the adults at school, home and work are always focused on making sure students have what they need to be successful and independent.

Building Teacher Student Relationships

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Want to learn more?
Check out this booklet from the Transition Coalition which includes information about the various roles in transition.
Relationship Mapping Strategy