Why Should Students Participate In A Pre-College Program?

There are many benefits for students to experience a pre-college program.
- Students will get to “try out” college. This will allow them to identify areas of strength and areas to grow.
- A pre-college program is more than a tour. Students may take classes, live on campus, and enjoy what college has to offer.
- Students are able to take college classes during the summer.
How can transition teams support access to pre-college programs?
Thinking about college can be stressful for families, but especially for students. Here are some ways to help students determine if college is right for them.
- Review interests, strengths, and areas of growth.
- Explore colleges online.
- Support students by asking questions like, does this college provide a pre-college experience? How does one access the disability support office?

Why Attend A Pre-College Program?
The benefits of attending a pre-college program include:

Program knowledge
Students will learn about the programs available to them and how to apply for them.

Support Knowledge
Students will be able to explore the academic and independent living supports available at a college or university.

College Credits
Students may earn college credit for the course they attend while still in high school.

Campus Skills
Students will learn hands-on what life is like to live on a college campus.

NTACT Post Secondary Education and Training toolkit provides resources to support the access and success to Post Secondary Education and Training

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Think College PA
Think College is a collaboration of higher education institutions dedicated to designing and supporting campus settings to facilitate an inclusive education for young adults with intellectual disabilities.