Pre Employment Transition Services

Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) help students learn about themselves, practice work skills, explore training options and choose a job. For students interested in these services, they may refer themselves to their local OVR district office. A group of students may be referred to OVR by school staff in collaboration with their local district office. A completed Pre-ETS Referral Form is required for each student. Pre-ETS options include:
- Self-Advocacy Instruction teaches students how to solve problems and manage their lives
- Workplace Readiness Training teaches students how to get and keep a job
- Job Exploration Counseling helps students learn about jobs and how to pick a career
- Counseling on Post-Secondary Training helps students decide if college or training after high school is right for them
- Work-based Learning connects what students are learning in school to real jobs
Supporting Students To Secure OVR Services
The optimal time for OVR to open a case is when the student is ready and available to engage in the activities necessary to establish a competitive, integrated employment goal. These activities include the development of an individualized plan for employment (IPE) and participation in vocational services to become employed. The time at which this occurs is unique to each individual. Students may apply for VR services in a number of ways:
- In-person with an OVR counselor
- Through the OVR online pre-application
- Completion of a paper pre-application

What Can OVR Services Do For Students?
When the transition team connects students with OVR, they may have access to:

Pre-Employment Transition Services
Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) can help students learn about themselves, practice work skills, explore training options and choose a job.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Individualized services that help a person to prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment.

OVR Staff
Access to early reach coordinators, counselors and business service coordinators to assist with employment goals.

Disability Specific Supports
OVR has specific services for individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and blind or visually-impaired.
Featured Resources
The PA Community on Transition offers resources on a variety of topics, all focused on improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

Click here to access the online OVR application (Click “Request Services” to complete the OVR Pre-Application)

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Want to learn more?
Explore more information about how OVR can help students of transition-age.
Visit the OVR website directly.