What Are Family Information Sharing Activities?

The transition team has a shared responsibility to ensure that family members understand each step in the transition planning process. Transition team members should make themselves available to assist families in finding information and helping them understand the steps. They also can support the family in making community connections, and reaching out to organizations and families that can help the family, and the student, understand the transition process. The team needs to plan that all material is conveyed, through a variety of means, in a family friendly format.
- What resources are available at a local level to assist families in the transition process?
- What information does the transition team provide to the family about specific opportunities that match the student’s goals?
- When a family has questions regarding opportunities, who on the transition team can provide support?
- Is the shared information presented in multiple formats that a family can easily understand and use?
- Are there opportunities for the family to share information with the transition team?
- What assessments are being used to determine obstacles in communication, sharing information, and family perspective and how to remedy those challenges?
- Is the information respectful of cultural differences, welcoming, and creating opportunities for family leadership and voice?
What Can Family Information Sharing Activities Include?
To promote the sharing of information and authentic partnership among team members, the transition team should ensure family members receive information that...
- Explains student and family rights regarding school, the IEP, and the rights a student maintains after graduation
- Identifies programs and classes that the school offers to help students reach their goals
- Builds relationships with professionals and other families who can provide more information on transition
- Links outside organizations, family connections, and community agencies to assist families in planning different aspects of life after graduation
- Invites family perspective, culture, background, knowledge and experience to the transition team
- Is family friendly and sent and communicated in a variety of ways

What Can Sharing Information With Families Yield?
When a transition team successfully supports a family through two way information sharing, they will...

Build Relationships
Gaining respect and building reciprocal trusting relationships with professionals in and outside of the school setting happens when all stakeholders are able to speak, share, listen and be heard.

Share Resources
Getting access to two way information that supports transition planning at each stage of the student’s life, through a variety of means in family-friendly format helps to build support networks for everyone.

Create a Knowledge Base
Learning and understanding the parts of transition planning that are available to students and their families and assessing obstacles, strengths, and opportunities to overcome barriers builds expertise for all participants.

Foster Planning Skills
Knowing about support options and being able to make a plan to achieve goals as a team, creates a better likelihood of student success in and outside of the school.

Check out Guideposts for Success: A Framework for Families Preparing Youth for Adulthood!

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Want to learn more?
The PACER Center has developed a resource to support families.
Transition To Adulthood: Where Do We Start?