What typically occurs at an agency night about employment

While local events may differ, common components include opportunities for students and families to learn about:
- Programs, services, and activities the agencies offer
- Available career exploration activities that match a student’s strengths, goals, interests, and needs
- Opportunities outside of the school to gain specific job and interview skills
- Adult services, programs, and activities for employment that are available after high school
- The documents needed to apply for programs that match their secondary transition planning
How to Start an Agency Night?
PASmart is a stepping stone in providing rehabilitation professionals support you throughout the entire job search process – from exploring careers and building student resumes, applying and interviewing for jobs.
- Schedule a planning group to coordinate a community agency night about employment
- Invite Agencies that help in the development of work skills, how to apply for jobs, and get students hired
- Work with students to develop a portfolio to keep information organized
- Click here for more information on PASmart.

What Can Community Agency Informational Nights Do For Students?
Students receive many benefits in one experience:

Programs, Services and Activities
All Stakeholders and transitions teams learn about the different agencies and what services that can provide.

Career Exploration Activities
Help students find out what agencies will provide career exploration activities and find out which jobs and careers match their strengths, goals, interests and needs.

Adult Programing
Learn about what kinds of adult services, programs and activities for employment are available to you to when you graduate high school.

How to Apply
Families and caregivers learn what documents are needed to apply services and programs to help make career goals a reality.

Community Based Skills Assessment

Latest Events
Check out the calendar for events that may interest you.

Want to learn more?
Community Engagement Tip Sheet
Check out this tip sheet from our partners at Transition Discoveries