Career Clubs Can Deepen Student Experiences

Joining a career club can help students learn about what jobs are REALLY like! Through career clubs students can:
- Explore specific careers
- Learn what is needed to obtain the job
- Make real-world connections
- Develop interview skills
How Can Adults Support Student Involvement In Career Clubs?
Students need adult mentors to support career clubs. Adult allies, people who have established trusted partnerships with students and put the students’ interests and voices before their own, also play a critical role in finding mentors and presenters for the club. Adults can :
- Volunteer as a sponsor
- Find presenters for the club
- Schedule workplace visits
- Practice job skills

How Can Career Clubs Benefit Students?
Career clubs are an important part of career exploration.

Career Exploration
Career clubs provide students with opportunities to explore careers.

Networking Opportunites
Career clubs encourage students to interact with people currently working within their fields of interest, as well as other students with similar interests.

Career Skills
Students participating in career clubs can learn about job requirements from individuals who are actively working in the jobs they want to pursue.

Future Opportunities
Relationships formed in career clubs can lead to internships and possible jobs in the future.

Interested in learning more about career clubs?

Latest Events
Check out the calendar for events that may interest you.

Want to learn more?
Clubs are an important part of early job experiences.
Click here to learn about why clubs are important!