Considerations for Enrollment in a CTE Program

Many students with disabilities enroll in CTE programs to develop job skills so that they can be employed and live independently. The Transition Team should consider if a CTE program is the right fit for the student by discussing:
- Student’s strengths, interests, and preferences
- Requirements/competencies of the program
- Accommodations, aids, and services the student will need to fully participate in the program
Industry-Recognized Credentials
Industry-recognized credentials measure competence in core content and performance standards in a specific set of work-related tasks. The work-related tasks and assessment must connect with workforce demands across career clusters.
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction; Arts, A/V Technology & Communications; Business Management & Administration
- Health Science; Hospitality and Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology
- Law & Public Safety; Manufacturing; Marketing, Sales & Service
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics; Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Benefits To Student Participation in CTE

Real World Experience
Through a combination of classes and hands-on learning experiences, students apply academics to real-world problems.

Experienced Instructors
Students are taught by experienced industry professionals in learning spaces using state of the art equipment.

Post Secondary Credits
Students may be able to earn college credits and industry credentials before high school graduation.

Job Experience
Students have access to skills to complete specific tasks related to the careers of their choice, as well as first hand experience in the field.

Interested in Finding the CTE in your area?

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Want to learn more?
Check out the PA Department of Education website for more information about CTE.
You can access more videos about CTE, brochures, and information about different career clusters.