What Do Anti-Bullying efforts include?

Bullying can happen anywhere, including the workplace. Learning skills to cope or report bullying inside or outside of school is an important life skill. Adults can help by:
- Working to decrease bullying in and around schools through education and policy development and enforcement
- Teaching students skills to identify and cope with bullying
- Building skills to help students get along
- Learning to report bullying in school or community
PA Bullying Prevention Efforts
The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Office for Safe Schools bullying prevention webpage contains resources for parents, educators, and professionals serving students in school and out-of-school settings.
- Bullying Prevention Consultline
- Targeted Grants for Bullying Prevention Efforts
- Resources to Support Efforts
- Webinars

What Can Anti-Bullying Efforts Do For Students?
Anti-Bullying efforts can help students:

Build Coping Skills
Students need to develop coping skills to build awareness of when they are being bullied and what to do.

Report Bullying
Students need to be able to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and be comfortable to report it to an adult.

Self Advocacy Skills
Students need to know when and how to speak up for themselves.

Improve Interpersonal Skills
Students need to know how to get along with others by finding things in common and building trust and respect.

Parents, school staff, and other caring adults have a role to play in preventing bullying. Click here to learn more about how to help.

Latest Events
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Want to learn more?
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a th