PA Secondary Transition - Public Square

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PA Secondary Transition - Public Square

The primary purpose of the Public Square feature, on the PA Secondary Transition Website, is to provide a digital and easily accessible location to create a personalized web of resources for families, students, LEA members, and other service providers.

Being Self-Aware

By leveraging the Public Square, you will be able to:

  • Connect with people and event in your community and across the state
  • Collect and save your favorite transition resources and assessments
  • Contribute by sharing resources, articles and stories

Primary Features Include:

  • Secondary Transition Resources & Assessment collection
  • Groups to communicate about ongoing information/ events
  • Personal posts to share stories and resources
  • Family/ Caregiver supervised student accounts

This video will support you in:

  • Creating an account establishing settings
  • Saving resources and assessments
  • Establishing groups to share information
  • Posting to announce events or resources in your area
  • Setting up your Public Square account to be accessible on your phone/tablet

The Public Square feature will allow students, families, educational institutions, and other stakeholders to generate a web of connections to support inter-personal relationship skills development, navigate community events and activities, and learn about resources to support their transition journey.

By leveraging the Public Square, you will be able to:

  • Students will be able to connect with other students in groups they may be a part of locally or across the state, their local educational agency, local community partners and agencies to receive and share information about activities, resources and events that may be occurring specific to the transition community.
  • Families will be able to connect with other families, their local LEA, and agency or community resources to support their student on their personalized transition journey.
  • Teachers, Transition Coordinators, and Administrators in LEAs can create groups with students to share transition information, communicate with students and families around resources, and connect with other LEAs and Agencies to share resources and information.
  • Agency/ Community partners can connect LEAs, families and students to local events, activities, and current information relevant to their organization.

*The platform is not intended to market or endorse for-profit services and products. For further information, please read our terms and conditions documentation. For questions and concerns, please email:

  • Students and families can collect resources and information to support their transition journey.
  • Teachers, Transition Coordinators, and Administrators in LEAs can collect and share resources, assessments and information that work to support students with disabilities.
  • Agency/ Community partners can collect local and relevant information and generate cross-agency collaboration around resources and community needs.
  • Participants can contribute stories and resources they have found to be helpful along their transition journey.
  • Post to the Public Square, resources that you have found helpful to post-secondary success.
  • Inform groups of secondary transition events that may be of interest