Post Secondary Options
There are many options available to the student when it comes to gaining the necessary knowledge and skills. The transition team must help the youth identify the post secondary education or training that is aligned with the requirements needed to be successful.

4-Year College/University
Options Include:
- Bachelor’s degree granting program
- Bachelor’s degree granting program through a specialized program for students with disabilities
- Non-degree granting, certificate program

2-Year College
Options Include:
- Associate’s degree granting program
- Non-degree granting, certificate program

Other Post Secondary Education and Training Options
Options May Include:
- 13th year Bridge Program
- Vocational or technical programs/schools
- Adult education and continuing education programs
- Life skills programs in higher education settings
- Apprenticeship programs
- Employer-provided job-training programs
- Pre-apprenticeship programs (e.g., Job Corps)
Understanding The Difference Between High School and Post-Secondary Education
There are some important differences between the supports and services students receive in high school and those available in post secondary education and training programs. Click to learn more about Post Secondary Education Expectations.

Postsecondary Education Subindicators
Click on the area of need for additional information and resources.

Postsecondary Education Planning
When Postsecondary education planning activities are in place, students are given opportunities to explore ways to begin life-long learning after high school.

Interested in more resources?

Check out the calendar for events that may interest you.

Want to Learn More?
Think College PA
Check out the PA Secondary Transition Frequently Asked Questions