Setting Goals for Independent Living and Community Engagement
No matter how and where students want to live, their success will depend on whether they have the many skills needed to live independently.

Community Responsibility
Adults should provide students opportunities to learn real-world skills within the community they wish to live.

Housing Goals
Adults should help students explore the different options available for living independently after high school.

Adults should teach students skills for self-care including things to do to stay physically and mentally healthy.
Independent Living and Transition Planning
Transition teams should provide opportunities for students to learn independent living skills and provide practice within the communities they will actually be using the skills, such as work, home, school, stores and beyond.

Independent Living Subindicators
Click on the area of need for additional information and resources.

Implementing Independent Living
When activities and skills needed for post secondary independent living skills are taught, students are more likely to live as independent adults within their home and community.
Featured Resources
The PA Community on Transition offers resources on a variety of topics, all focused on improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

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Check out the calendar for events that may interest you.

Want to Learn More?
Money Smart
Check out the PA Secondary Transition Frequently Asked Questions