Goals for Employment
The first and preferred consideration for all individuals should be Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE).

The individual is paid at a rate not less than minimum wage and not less than the typical rate paid by the employer to other employees. The individual is also eligible for benefits and is afforded opportunities for advancement.

The individual is employed at a location where they interact with other employees with and without disabilities.

Other considerations to Competitive Integrated Employment may include the development of Supported Employment or Discovery and Customized Employment.
Exploring Employment
Throughout the school experience, students should be exposed to opportunities to explore careers as well as develop skills to prepare for careers, obtain employment, learn employability skills, and explore entrepreneurship. These skills are provided in schools through the PA Career Education and Work Standards, the PA Career Ready Skills, and through partnerships with outside agencies.

Employment Subindicators
Click on the area of need for additional information and resources.

Pre-Employment Transition Services
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) can help individuals learn about themselves, practice work skills, explore training options and choose a job.
Featured Resources
The PA Community on Transition offers resources on a variety of topics, all focused on improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

Interested in more resources?

Check out the calendar for events that may interest you.

Want to Learn More?
PA Career Education and Work Standards (CEW)
Check out the PA Secondary Transition Frequently Asked Questions