Ensure All The “Right” People Are At The Table
Successful transition outcomes occur when all necessary stakeholders are part of the planning and implementation process.

Determining the Right People
IEP teams use various methods to determine which agencies should be included in the planning process. These include transition staffings, community agency nights about employment, and participating in transition conferences and transition coordinating councils.

Other Events
Other events that can assist in appropriate postsecondary planning include transition fairs and employment expos.

Local agencies can work with students at school so that they can learn skills needed to meet and make goals for life after school a reality.
Ensuring The Components And Relationships Are In Place For Effective Collaboration
Effective cross agency collaboration seems logical, but awareness of the subindicators help ensure it occurs as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Cross Agency Collaboration Subindicators
Click on the area of need for additional information and resources.

Planning for Cross Agency Collaboration
With the right agency collaboration, students will learn what programs, services and activities different agencies have that can help them meet the goals of their transition plan and provide them the skills needed to be successful after high school.

Interested in more resources?

Check out the calendar for events that may interest you.

Want to Learn More?
Check out these tools for interagency teams.
Check out the PA Secondary Transition Frequently Asked Questions