ODP- Room and Board Training: For Individuals and Families

Event Date & Time : April 3, 2025 (11:30 am - 01:30 pm)

The Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) is excited to announce a Room and Board training session specifically for individuals and families. Individuals who receive Residential Habilitation (who live in a group home) or Life Sharing, must have a Room and Board contract.


This training covers:


• the reason for a Room and Board contract.
• what is covered within the contract; and
• an overview of the bulletin, including an explanation of the Room and Board policies and regulations.


There will be time during the session to answer questions submitted by individuals and families during the webinar. For this reason, ODP kindly asks everyone to hold questions about Room and Board until the training date.

Sponsored By,
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)

Event Link - https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/775171536670046814